
Will the planned defaults for those retiring be in their best interest? - 17th July 2024

As a result of the new Pensions Bill, announced in the King’s speech, it will be interesting to hear more of the plans for trust-based schemes to be legally required to offer retirement income solutions to members, including default investment options.

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40% concerned about not having enough savings for unexpected costs - 16th July 2024

According to WEALTH at work’s latest research of over 2,000 workers, the biggest financial concerns for the year include not having enough savings for unexpected costs (40%), not being able to save enough for the future (38%),

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Increasing number of workers fear they will never be able to afford to retire. - 20th June 2024

The number of people in full-time employment who believe they will never be able to afford to retire because of the impact of the rising cost of living is on the rise, with two fifths (39%) of workers claiming they will never be able to afford to stop working, up from one in three (33%) twelve months ago.

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Pensions dashboards are only part of the picture – people need a wider view of their finances. - 3rd May 2024

The government has published statutory guidance setting out the staged timetable by which it expects pension schemes to connect to the Pensions Dashboards.

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National Insurance saving could be used to boost workplace pension. - 6th March 2024

As announced in The Spring Budget, National Insurance (NI) is reducing from 10% to 8% from April 2024.

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Individuals should act fast to make the most of their ISA allowance. - 27th February 2024

With the end of the tax year fast approaching, there is still time for individuals to take full advantage of their £20,000 ISA allowance.

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Top 10 pension mistakes individuals could make as they approach retirement. - 11th December 2023

Most of us spend the majority of our working life saving into our pension. However, all this hard work saving can quickly unravel for those who aren’t aware of common pension mistakes.

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Top 10 tips for managing your money this festive season. - 13th November 2023

Managing your money during the festive season can be challenging, but some careful planning could mean you are able to enjoy the holidays without getting into debt.

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How to track down lost pensions and guidance on pension consolidation. - 23rd October 2023

The total value of lost pension pots has grown from £19.4 billion in 2018 to £26.6 billion in 2022. There are 2.8 million lost pension pots sitting unclaimed because they’ve been simply lost or forgotten about.

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