2nd February 2014
In preparation for Howard’s forthcoming retirement plans MZ accepted Howard Marshall’s resignation from the Board. ‘It is a watershed event and marks a new phase in Marshall Zoing’s life’ commented Ralph Zoing, Managing Director. ‘Howard’s significant contribution will be remembered by all the MZ staff who have worked with him and the local business community as well his many clients and personal friends, however we are all aware of Howard’s very personal reasons which we respect and understand. I am sure that Howard will be able to enjoy the quality time that he needs and deserves with his family.’
Howard intends to phase in his retirement and will look to retire some time in 2015.
The latest news is brought to you by WEALTH at work, a leading financial wellbeing and retirement specialist. WEALTH at work and my wealth are trading names of Wealth at Work Limited which is a member of the Wealth at Work group of companies.
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